a few more birds and wildflowers….


In the last few days I’ve been painting my house. I hate having to step away from the camera even for a bit of awhile. No matter how beautiful the view is outside my window –  but I guess I had to concern myself a bit on the inside.

My hubby and I only managed the basement so far – so yep, been busy but I’ll catch up!

Meanwhile, I’ll toss out some photos of some birds that did capture my attention. One’s I’m sure I haven’t posted yet and then I’ll drink coffee and maybe this morning I’ll get a chance to capture a few more photos. (Boy, I hope so, painting in a word “sucks” – the end results are worth it however.) 

Initially I was going to post the wikipedia website on the Lark Sparrow but it does not do the bird justice so I quoted this one instead.


Here is lark sparrow that has been wandering around our feeder.

lark sparrow

It was the distinctive eye line that I loved on this fellow.

I also wanted to post this lady. I just adored this angle I’m pretty sure that she is a lady red winged blackbird. I could be wrong – because recently I’ve had a more difficult time figuring out the “sparrow” looking birds. So if I am wrong I’m completely up for correction.

female redwinged

And a male goldfinch – this isn’t the best composition in the world but finally I got a decent shot of ones of these birds – so I’m posting him. Usually the yellow is so bright that it washes out how really wonderful they look. They are so darn small and difficult to shoot (well, at least for me) that once I got a clear shot I was posting it regardless of the lack of my artistic eye! He does however come complete with a seed!

male goldfinch

I had mentioned, somewhere in one of my posts, that I was sure that the sky rockets come up later over here. I discovered they show up around the first week of June.

Sky Rocket (Gilia aggregata)

sky rocket

And here is another shot because I wanted to capture inside of the blossom.

sky rocket 2

If you’d like to see another exellent photo of a lark sparrow here is a really lovely shot! http://montucky.wordpress.com/2007/06/13/sparrow-in-a-pine/

9 Responses to “a few more birds and wildflowers….”

  1. Ohhh
    The Goldfinch and the Sky-Rockets were just a treat for the eye. My after-lunch desert, so to say 🙂
    Thanks for the lovely photographs!

  2. These are all very nice images, really like the Sky Rockets, wonderful work.

  3. 3 montucky

    Those are all really nice shots! I especially like the position of the blackbird! The gilia shots are really excellent! That’s a photogenic flower, especially with its vivid color, and you nailed it!

  4. Wow! Thanks to all of you Narziss, Montucky and nice to meet you Bernie. Personally I found that darned Sky Rocket a bear to photograph – but I was determined! I appreciate the kudos! Maybe that will get the paintbrush out of my hand and me in the mountains more often.

    p.s. Montucky what I loved about that blackbird shot is the ladies are usually unmarked and not really amazing to look at but that pose she did.. I’m with you she is a lovely creature!

  5. 5 fairycross

    Wonderfully clear photos! The Lark sparrow is almost camouflaged against the background! (with all the seeds etc from the feeder no doubt!).

    You must have a wonderful camera. I think I need to save my pennies for a better one!

    Keepn on snapping away! You obviosuly have an eye for a great photograph! 🙂

  6. Hi Fairy, yes, those are seeds from the bird feeder – those fellows are good at making a mess of things! I think that about three sunflower plants are coming up there and the hubby and I joke that maybe next year the feeder will be self feeding. :o) Just jiggle the plant a bit and maybe the feeder will fill up. I have to say the camera I have is wonderfully frustrating at times but yes, can shoot a great photo and like you I’m blessed to have tons of things to take photos of! Thank you for visiting!

  7. During the time of year when the goldfinches’ colors are at their brightest–as in your nice photo–they swarm all around our thistle feeders looking like dancing sun beams.

    Great photographs. I’ve been enjoying them.


  8. Hi Malcolm, welcome and thanks for your poetic thoughts. I wandered to onto your webpage and I’m impressed. :o)

  9. The male goldfinch is my favorite, and I agree–they are such pretty birds, but hard to capture! I posted one a couple of days ago, perched on the edge of a bird bath. The first couple of birds you captured are new to me. I don’t know if we have them here in the northwest. (I need to study my new bird book!)
    Very nice work…now back to your painting!

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